Philosophy of Teaching Statement
I believe that students should experience the subject. They should be instilled with a sense of passion and curiosity. For my subjects I try to cover depth rather than breadth in such a way that student is set up to be curious about what else the topic holds for them. I only use one lens to focus on a subject, and I declare that lens upfront to my students. I then explain we all have worldviews, and all view the world with different lens, the idea of learning is to be able to look at the world with other lens than your own. I believe that learning should be lifelong and should continue into a professional’s role and job. I instill a passion for my subjects to my students.
Teaching and Assessment Approaches
I teach students at Level 8 and Level 9. At level 9 I have taught both pre-experience and post-experience students. When designing both the delivery and the assessment for my courses I take these different levels into account and take different approaches to both teaching and assessment. I believe that the use of learning outcomes at both a course level and a module level are critical for defining what is required of students. I believe that the assessment set for students should be based on these learning outcomes. This structured approach comes form my background as a science and engineering graduate, where structure, direction and knowledge are interlinked. Although I teach in business school, I teach in many ways engineering to students.
I set my courses to reflect in the continuous assessment an experience for the students.
For my undergraduate modules I have set my assessments to be broken down between 50 % continuous and 50 % exam. For the continuous assessment portion I generally split my assessment into two parts, the first a critical review (referenced and structured) of a particular topic within the subject area I am teaching. The second part is an application of a model in a real world setting, where the students are asked to go to an organization and apply a conceptual model to the organization, be this process mapping, supply chain mapping or organizational structure mapping. I have to date for undergraduate assessment whether large (>160 students) or small (40 -50 students) set individual assignments and as such challenges students to seek access to organizations. As I teach 2nd years, skills learnt here are applicable when they seek interviews for INTRA placements and I have encouraged my students to use the opportunity of the assessment to build industry knowledge for their INTRA.
For my postgraduate modules I have taken two approaches. For my pre-experience I have used 100 % continuous assessment. For my current 21st century skills, this is the development of an online portfolio that students build from September when they register in Boston, USA, Reims, France and Puebla, Mexico, and they build over the 12 months they work on the MSc in International Management.
For my post- experience students, I set my continuous assessment to be a translation from academic writing into management writing. I have challenged in my continuous assessments how students communicate. This has led to a number of students presenting papers at the Irish Academy of Management Conference and the International Public Procurement Conference over the years.
Where there are group presentations I have filmed these and use peer review for marking for the students on these presentations. All feedback is made available to the students.
I am fully committed to feedback to students. It is critical that constructive feedback is given early so that students can incorporate this into their learning’s and future work.
For the last five years all of my assignments have been submitted through moodle and feedback given through moodle for all submitted work. I ensure that ranges of materials are available on moodle from links to video resources, to conference proceedings, to powerpoint slides and written notes. I am deeply committed to using the electronic resources fully and have over the years developed them into a blended learning approach.
I am deeply committed to distance and blended learning and have developed modules not just for Oscail but also for DCUBS for online delivery. I have been responsible for the development of moodle for the BBS in Purchasing and Supply Management (HETAC approved degree awarded by IIPMM) and am fully supportive of adult learning in all its forms.
National and International Recognition of Teaching :
• Invited Adjunct Professor – UCSC, Cremona, Italy,
Operations Management, 2005 (May), (2.5 ECTS) Level 8 delivery , 50 students
• Invited Adjunct Professor – ESB, Reutlingen, Germany,
Operations Management (5 ECTS) Level 9 Delivery, 2009 (February – April), 23 students
• Invited Adjunct Professor – BUPT, Beijing, China,
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (10 ECTS), Level 8 delivery, 2011, (May), 210 students, 2012 (May) , 220 Students
New Enterprise and Produc Development (10 ECTS), Level 8 delivery , 2013 , 550 students, 2014 , 550 students
• Invited Adjunct Professor – ISEE, Paris , France
Supply Chain Management (5 ECTS) , Level 9 Delivery, October 2013
Teaching and Learning initiatives :
Development of 1st Supply Chain Management Module delivered in DCUBS
(2003) – MT307 Supply Chain Management
Development of MBS in Strategic Procurement (MSP) (2005/2006)
Development of new modules for MSP – MT594 Supply Networks, MT595 Strategic Procurement
Development of online Research Methods course for International Partnership of Business Schools – delivered online across three universities (North Eastern, Boston, USA; CESEM, Reims, France; UDLAP, Puebla, Mexico.
Development of Graduate Certificate in Public Private Partnerships (15 ECTS)
Development of Procurement Modules for Centre for Executive Education module “Finance for Non-Finance Managers”
Teaching Publications :
Oscail Texts – Value Chain Management (5 ECTS), Operations Management (5 ECTS), Service Operations Management (5 ECTS), Strategic Operations Management (5 ECTS),Sustainable Procurement (5 ECTS) – all texts are level 9 and currently used on MSc in Operations Management and on MSc in Sustainable Management
IIPMM Texts – Strategic Procurement (15 ECTS) – Level 8, currently used on BBS program, Public Procurement (15 ECTS) – both Level 7 and Level 6, currently used on BBS program (Levels 7 and 8) and in Minor Award (Level 6)
Teaching Leadership :
Led development of HETAC accredited programs (level 6 higher certificate in Business, Level 7 Degree in Purchasing and Supply Management, Level 8 Degree in Purchasing and Supply Management – 2007) for Irish Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management
Chair of Syllabus Review for Professional Body (IIPMM) (2005 – 2012)
External Examiner IIPMM for “Purchasing and the Commercial Environment (2005 – 2011)
HETAC Panel Member for accreditation Grafton College November, 2009, May 2010
HETAC Expert Panel Member (2009 to date)
Tutor Monitor for OSCAIL (2009 to date)
Service on Teaching Committees :
Member of DCUBS Teaching Committee – 2002-2003
Member of DCUBS Quality Review Panel – 2007
Member of DCUBS Portfolio Working Group – 2008 to 2011
Member of OSCAIL Program Board – 2005 to Date
I believe that students should experience the subject. They should be instilled with a sense of passion and curiosity. For my subjects I try to cover depth rather than breadth in such a way that student is set up to be curious about what else the topic holds for them. I only use one lens to focus on a subject, and I declare that lens upfront to my students. I then explain we all have worldviews, and all view the world with different lens, the idea of learning is to be able to look at the world with other lens than your own. I believe that learning should be lifelong and should continue into a professional’s role and job. I instill a passion for my subjects to my students.
Teaching and Assessment Approaches
I teach students at Level 8 and Level 9. At level 9 I have taught both pre-experience and post-experience students. When designing both the delivery and the assessment for my courses I take these different levels into account and take different approaches to both teaching and assessment. I believe that the use of learning outcomes at both a course level and a module level are critical for defining what is required of students. I believe that the assessment set for students should be based on these learning outcomes. This structured approach comes form my background as a science and engineering graduate, where structure, direction and knowledge are interlinked. Although I teach in business school, I teach in many ways engineering to students.
I set my courses to reflect in the continuous assessment an experience for the students.
For my undergraduate modules I have set my assessments to be broken down between 50 % continuous and 50 % exam. For the continuous assessment portion I generally split my assessment into two parts, the first a critical review (referenced and structured) of a particular topic within the subject area I am teaching. The second part is an application of a model in a real world setting, where the students are asked to go to an organization and apply a conceptual model to the organization, be this process mapping, supply chain mapping or organizational structure mapping. I have to date for undergraduate assessment whether large (>160 students) or small (40 -50 students) set individual assignments and as such challenges students to seek access to organizations. As I teach 2nd years, skills learnt here are applicable when they seek interviews for INTRA placements and I have encouraged my students to use the opportunity of the assessment to build industry knowledge for their INTRA.
For my postgraduate modules I have taken two approaches. For my pre-experience I have used 100 % continuous assessment. For my current 21st century skills, this is the development of an online portfolio that students build from September when they register in Boston, USA, Reims, France and Puebla, Mexico, and they build over the 12 months they work on the MSc in International Management.
For my post- experience students, I set my continuous assessment to be a translation from academic writing into management writing. I have challenged in my continuous assessments how students communicate. This has led to a number of students presenting papers at the Irish Academy of Management Conference and the International Public Procurement Conference over the years.
Where there are group presentations I have filmed these and use peer review for marking for the students on these presentations. All feedback is made available to the students.
I am fully committed to feedback to students. It is critical that constructive feedback is given early so that students can incorporate this into their learning’s and future work.
For the last five years all of my assignments have been submitted through moodle and feedback given through moodle for all submitted work. I ensure that ranges of materials are available on moodle from links to video resources, to conference proceedings, to powerpoint slides and written notes. I am deeply committed to using the electronic resources fully and have over the years developed them into a blended learning approach.
I am deeply committed to distance and blended learning and have developed modules not just for Oscail but also for DCUBS for online delivery. I have been responsible for the development of moodle for the BBS in Purchasing and Supply Management (HETAC approved degree awarded by IIPMM) and am fully supportive of adult learning in all its forms.
National and International Recognition of Teaching :
• Invited Adjunct Professor – UCSC, Cremona, Italy,
Operations Management, 2005 (May), (2.5 ECTS) Level 8 delivery , 50 students
• Invited Adjunct Professor – ESB, Reutlingen, Germany,
Operations Management (5 ECTS) Level 9 Delivery, 2009 (February – April), 23 students
• Invited Adjunct Professor – BUPT, Beijing, China,
Logistics and Supply Chain Management (10 ECTS), Level 8 delivery, 2011, (May), 210 students, 2012 (May) , 220 Students
New Enterprise and Produc Development (10 ECTS), Level 8 delivery , 2013 , 550 students, 2014 , 550 students
• Invited Adjunct Professor – ISEE, Paris , France
Supply Chain Management (5 ECTS) , Level 9 Delivery, October 2013
Teaching and Learning initiatives :
Development of 1st Supply Chain Management Module delivered in DCUBS
(2003) – MT307 Supply Chain Management
Development of MBS in Strategic Procurement (MSP) (2005/2006)
Development of new modules for MSP – MT594 Supply Networks, MT595 Strategic Procurement
Development of online Research Methods course for International Partnership of Business Schools – delivered online across three universities (North Eastern, Boston, USA; CESEM, Reims, France; UDLAP, Puebla, Mexico.
Development of Graduate Certificate in Public Private Partnerships (15 ECTS)
Development of Procurement Modules for Centre for Executive Education module “Finance for Non-Finance Managers”
Teaching Publications :
Oscail Texts – Value Chain Management (5 ECTS), Operations Management (5 ECTS), Service Operations Management (5 ECTS), Strategic Operations Management (5 ECTS),Sustainable Procurement (5 ECTS) – all texts are level 9 and currently used on MSc in Operations Management and on MSc in Sustainable Management
IIPMM Texts – Strategic Procurement (15 ECTS) – Level 8, currently used on BBS program, Public Procurement (15 ECTS) – both Level 7 and Level 6, currently used on BBS program (Levels 7 and 8) and in Minor Award (Level 6)
Teaching Leadership :
Led development of HETAC accredited programs (level 6 higher certificate in Business, Level 7 Degree in Purchasing and Supply Management, Level 8 Degree in Purchasing and Supply Management – 2007) for Irish Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management
Chair of Syllabus Review for Professional Body (IIPMM) (2005 – 2012)
External Examiner IIPMM for “Purchasing and the Commercial Environment (2005 – 2011)
HETAC Panel Member for accreditation Grafton College November, 2009, May 2010
HETAC Expert Panel Member (2009 to date)
Tutor Monitor for OSCAIL (2009 to date)
Service on Teaching Committees :
Member of DCUBS Teaching Committee – 2002-2003
Member of DCUBS Quality Review Panel – 2007
Member of DCUBS Portfolio Working Group – 2008 to 2011
Member of OSCAIL Program Board – 2005 to Date